Release Notes v0.4.0
December 20, 2024
Data Separation
Opensearch authentication with OIDC
Metadata exists in project context, i.e., project indices
Minio authentication with OIDC
Minio project bucket
Multiinstallable Applications in Project Context
Multiinstallable applications like MITK Workbench, JupyterLab, 3D Slicer, and Tensorboard are adapted to the project context. Only users who are part of a project have access to applications that run in the corresponding project context. These applications receive their data from the dedicated project bucket in Minio.
When an admin launches an instance of a multiinstallable application from the Extensions view, the admin must select the correct project in the header of the website.
The DicomWebFilter enables series-level access control to DICOM data via a DicomWeb API. For example, two users can access the same DICOM study but only specific series within it. This is required in scenarios where a user generates segmentations for certain series of a study and does not want to share these segmentations.
The DicomWebFilter operates as a database storing access information and a REST API supporting the DicomWeb standard. Acting as an intermediary layer, it filters data received from a PACS based on the client’s access token and stored access rules.
A management API is also provided for updating access information.
New Realm Roles and Groups
By default, the Kaapana realm in Keycloak includes three roles: admin
, project-manager
, and user
. Policies defining these permissions are managed via ConfigMaps in the auth-backend chart:
: Unlimited access to all APIs, routes, and objects.project-manager
: Full access to the project management API.user
: General access to Kaapana’s non-system components and project-specific data based on roles.
Keycloak also includes the following groups, each inheriting specific roles:
: Includes rolesadmin
: Includes rolesproject-manager
, user.kaapana_user
: Includes roleuser
Custom Token Mapper
Custom token mappers populate the client access token with project-specific claims, derived from the access information interface.
Access Information Interface
This interface includes:
Database: Stores user, project, and permission data.
REST API: Enables Keycloak token mappers to fetch permissions and manage stored information.
Main database objects:
Rights: Key-value claims for access tokens.
Projects: Projects bundle the information.
Roles: Collections of rights mapped to users and projects.
UsersProjectsRoles: Links users, roles, and projects. A user can only have a single UsersProjectsRoles mapping per project. But a user can be mapped to the same role for multiple projects.
Example: If a role that contains the right {“claim_key”: “opensearch”, “claim_value”: “admin_project”} is mapped to user A in Project foo, the access token of user A will contain the claim "opensearch": ["admin_project_foo"]
. Opensearch is configured accordingly to look for backend-roles in the opensearch claim of the access token and to know which permissions to grant users with the respective roles.
Initial rights, roles, projects and respective mappings can be configured in the access-information-interface-config . Per default version 0.4.0 comes with only one project role, i.e. admin
. This role grants access to the project bucket in Minio and the project index in opensearch.
Workflow Execution
Requests to the Kaapana backend must include a Project-Name cookie or project header.
Processing containers run in dedicated Kubernetes project namespaces.
package in base-python-cpu image.Operators use project-system-user credentials for authentication to to DicomWebFilter, MinIO and Opensearch.
Project-Based UI
Workflow menu requires a selected project.
Selected project is stored in VueStore and browser cookies.
Gallery View only shows series that are part of the selected project.
The confiuraton of any job is extended with a
that has information about the selected project from which the workflow was started.“Active Applications” view shows all multiinstallable applications that are started within the selected project context.
“Workflow Results” view displays data only from the corresponding project bucket.
Project Management UI
A new project management UI is introduced for viewing all available projects for the user. Admin users can create new projects and add/update/delete users to/from projects.
Project-Based Data Ingestion
Incoming data assignments depend on calling and called AE title conventions (kp-<project-name>
and kp-<dataset-name>
). Both arguments have a size limit of 16 chars, modify conventions via the LocalSanitizeProjectAndDatasetOperator
Extension Development Kit (EDK)
New application for developing and deploying extensions within Kaapana.
Includes VSCode-based development environment and local registry.
Build container images and Helm charts inside the environment and deploy them directly to the platform.
Deploy Script
Configurable memory resources for PACS, OpenSearch, and Airflow.
Ensures stuck Helm charts are deleted during undeployment.
Workflow List
Introduced pagination.
DICOM Validation
Validates incoming DICOM files, showing error and warning counts.
.Stores validation reports in MinIO with a configurable whitelist for excluded tags.
nnUNet workflows updated to v2.
Added service DAG for workflow result notifications.
DICOM validation DAGs support manual revalidation.
Custom Registry Secrets
New application for pulling from multiple registries apart from the one that the Kaapana instance is deployed from
Allows adding secrets of new registries to Kubernetes
Containerized local operators (e.g.,
).Refactored helper modules in
.Added CI/CD tests for operators.
Bug Fixes
inconsistencies inLocalDcm2JsonOperator
now waits until opensearch is readyinit-extensions
job has better monitoring for failed podsand many more
Updates and Security Fixes
Microk8s to
Base image to
Base python to
Base postgres to
Airflow to
Minio to
Opensearch to
Dcm4chee to
Prometheus to
Grafana to
Open Policy Agent to
Added security headers and middleware: (e.g. X-Frame-Options, Referrer-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security, X-Content-Type-Options)
and more
Removed features
nnUNet v1 and its pretrained models are no longer supported, the default version is v2
The dag
is removedThe extension
remove due to refactor changes
Release Notes v0.3.5
September 11, 2024
Bug fixes
Build fix - wsi-converter dependency link updated
Removed breaking LocalDiceOperator from nnUNet
Fix file opening issue in Collabora for nested files
Release Notes v0.3.4
July 15, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixes offline deployment caused by wrong NVIDIA gpu-operator version
Fixes requirements file for operator trigger-ansible-playbook
Fixes missing requirements for OtsusNotebookOperator
Release Notes v0.3.3
May 29, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixes broken build due to breaking changes in vueuse/core 10.10.0
Release Notes v0.3.2
May 24, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixes landing page UI dev-mode
Removes mechanism to add access control ids from HelperDcmWeb and LocalDicomSendOperator
Fixes patient age inconsistency bug in LocalDcm2JsonOperator
Adds local tests to CI/CD pipeline
Adds links of main GitLab repository and YouTube channel in README
Release Notes v0.3.1
April 22, 2024
Bug fixes
Fixes dcm4chee import image bug, by pinning image container hash and dcm4chee-postgres git commit hash
Release Notes v0.3.0
April 15, 2024
DAGs and Operators
advanced-collect-metadata workflow
modify-dcmseg workflow
- nnunet-training
integrated label renaming, fusing, keeping/ignoring functionality
warm-start functionality for fine-tuning pre-trained model
- nnunet-ensemble
integrated label renaming, fusing, keeping/ignoring functionality
new evaluation metrics
evaluate-segmentations: new DAG for evaluating predicted segmentations with ground truth
train-with-pretrained-weights: new DAG for training nnunet and classification workflows starting with pretrained model weights
download-selected-series: now allows downloading DICOMs as NIFTIs
Introduce JupyterlabReportingOperator
Adjust radiomics-federated, nnunet-training and nnunet-ensemble to use JupyterLabReportingOperator instead of custom processing-operators.
Introduce LocalVolumeMountOperator to transfer data between container file systems and PersistentVolumes
Adapt DAGs import-dicoms-in-zip-to-internal-pacs, convert-niftis-to-dicoms-and-import-to-pacs and WSI-import to get data from PersistentVolume instead of MinIO Bucket.
FedDC as FL aggregation method
federated radiomics workflow
federated advanced-collect-metadata workflow
Workflow Management System
- Workflow List:
operator state reporting in Job List
restarting/stopping service jobs
- Instance overview:
easier instance registration
- Data Upload:
Adjust upload mechanism to store data in PersistentVolume instead of MinIO
specify links in values.yaml of extensions to overwrite ingress paths
option to filter by resources in the UI
New Collabora extension to view and edit office documents in the platform
Bug Fixes
- (Importing .dcm metadata)
Fixed an issue when LocalDcm2JsonOperator errors on valid .dcm files with valid symbols like ^%+
LocalDcm2JsonOperator now correctly parses all valid formats of datetime, time and date
LocalDcm2JsonOperator now correctly identifies Sequence keyword as object not object_object
Fix bodypart regression opencv-python-headless version
Fix issue when downloading models for bodypart regression
Fix path to source files for pixelmed in wsiconv
Fix logging error in
Fix proxy configuration in server installation script
Introduce new local-only/base-minio-mc image with minio client
Introduce minio-mirror image to provide minio bucket data to volume mounts
Adjust staticwebisteresults to provide files from mirrored minio bucket
Adjust applications to get filesystem data from mirrored minio buckets
Refactor minio-init to use base-minio-mc image
Introduce new policy: KaapanaUser for restricted access to all buckets but upload.
Removed modality chart graph from the metadashboard
Keycloak roles and attributes are inherited from group kaapana_user and kaapana_admin
Assign new minio policy KaapanaUser to group kaapana_user
Remove keycloak group all_data
Add role user to default_roles_kaapana
Introduce reverse-proxy in front of dcm4chee for access control
Introduce mechanisms to assign access control ids to studies and AEs in dcm4chee
Updates and Security Fixes
Update MicroK8s v1.28
Base Image to Ubuntu:22.04
Base Postgres to 15.6-alpine
Base python to version 3.10
Updated alertmanager:v0.25.0
Updated statsd-exporter:v0.23.1
Updated Grafana:9.4.7
Updated opensearch:2.12.0
Updated open-policy-agent:0.62.0
Updated OHIF v3.7
Updated Mitk 2023.12
Update Apache Airflow 2.8.4
Update MinIO to RELEASE.2024-01-29T03-56-32Z
and many more
Release Notes v0.2.6
January 09, 2024
Bug fixes
Fix behaviour when missing filename or ‘—’ in filenames in Bin2DcmOperator
Changed storaged path for TotalSegmentator radiomics results from ‘thumbnail’ to ‘totalsegmentator’
Release Notes v0.2.5
October 26, 2023
Bug fixes
Fix issue downloading Body Part Regression models from Zenodo
Fix a problem when importing uploaded container images
Release Notes v0.2.4
September 11, 2023
Bug fixes
Fix problem of images stuck in CTP on large imports
Fix python requirements for bodypart-regression processing container
Release Notes v0.2.3
August 15, 2023
Bug fixes
Fix of circular import in Airflow
Fixes in
Fixes in offline installation of microk8s
Fix in script
Fix in gallery view
Release Notes v0.2.2
July 26, 2023
Bug fixes
Installation of certificates
Access to Traefik routes for users with no admin rights
Release Notes v0.2.1
July 19, 2023
New features
Major restructuring and update of the documentation
Added experimental persistent layer as extension for data management
Updated landing page layout
RTStruct and segmentation support in Gallary View
Bug fixes
Redirect for Minio and Keycloak
Update of constraints file
Fix of TypeError: cannot pickle ‘_thread.lock’ object in Airflow
Muliplte fixes in Kaapana-Backend
Fixes in Trivy vulnerability scanner
Fixes in the
Muliplte fixes in Kube-Helm backend
Introducing a smaller GPU base image
Fixes in scheduling of workflows
Fix of Prometheus and Grafana error
Fix in data upload
Removal of not ready extensions from collections chart
Fix of Tensorboard logs
Fix of nnU-Net ensemble workflow
Fix of radiomics federated workflow
Maintenance UI for UI-based platform management and maintenance
Multi Instance support for different Kaapana deployments within a single K8S Cluster
New persistence layer for Kapaana
Release Notes v0.2.0
May 18, 2023
Added intuitive Gallery-style view visualizing thumbnails and (configurable) metadata of DICOM Series
Added Multiselect which allows performing actions on multiple series at once including add/removing to/from a dataset, executing workflows on individual series or creating new datasets based on the selection
Added configurable side panel metadata dashboard allowing the exploration of metadata distributions (based on selections)
Introduced intuitive shortcut based tagging functionality allowing fast and convenient annotation and categorization of series
(Full-text) search to filter for items based on metadata
Added option to open a series in a side panel visualizing the DICOM using (an adjusted) OHIF Viewer-v3 next to all Metadata of the specific series.
Workflow Management System:
Introduction of Kaapana Object “Workflow”
Workflows semantically bind together multiple jobs, the data on which the jobs are running on and the orchestrating/triggering and the runner instances of the jobs Workflow Execution
Only location to trigger executable jobs on Kaapana platform
Directly accessible from Datasets view
Remote/federated workflow execution on connected remote Kaapana instances more built-in
Workflow List:
Visualizes all workflows which are or were running on the platform including
Information regarding the workflow specification live status updates of workflow’s jobs
Workflow actions to abort, restart or delete workflows including all their jobs
Information regarding the job specification
Live updates of the job’s status
Redirect links to the job’s airflow DAG run
Job actions to abort, restart or delete jobs
Instance Overview:
Visualization of the local and remote Kaapana instance
Connection of remote Kaapana instances
Information regarding the instance specification
Extension Upload / Data Upload mechanism
Introduction of new NIfTI + DICOM upload (NIfTIs will be converted to DICOM + incl. segmentation support)
Easily importing the uploaded images into PACS via available workflows
New chart (.tgz) and container (.tar) upload feature which enables users to upload their own extensions into the platform
Importing container .tar files directly into the microk8s container runtime
Results page
A new results page has been introduced which allows users to explore results of their workflows by visualizing HTMLs
New NIfTI + DICOM upload (NIfTIs will be converted to DICOM + incl. segmentation support)
New extension and container upload & import features
Improved landing-page navigation to make workflows more present and more intuitive to interact with
git-describe-based versioning for Kaapana
Switch to persistent-volumes for better security and better cloud provider support
Security vulnerability improvements
Included Trivy container scanning for automatic CVE detection + SBOM creation in the build system
Improved security check for all ingress requests
Improved Keycloak initialization & password policy for production mode
Introduced Black code formatter for Kaapana
Introduction of a dark mode to the landing page
Introduction of new base images for better dependency management and security handling (also smaller and more efficient)
Improved Airflow scheduling for Kubernetes jobs
Split of Airflow scheduler and webserver in separate PODs for better stability and robustness
Automatic thumbnail generation for RTSTRUCTs and DICOM SEGs
Improved annotation-metadata detection for SEG and RTSTRUCT
Improved Kaapana build-system to better support external resources and platform creation
Better support for offline installation & VM creation (upcoming)
Many other smaller bug-fixes, improvements and adjustments
New Workflows
TotalSegmentator incl. all sub-tasks
RTSTRUCT support for nnUNet training
nnU-Net federated
Radiomics federated
Updated Components
Kubernetes v1.26/stable
Helm v3.10
Airflow v2.5.3
Keycloak v21.0.1
Traefik v2.9.9
Grafana v9.4.7
Kubernetes Dashboard v2.7.0
OHIF v4.12.26
Prometheus v2.34.0
Alertmanager v0.25.0
Auth2-proxy v7.4.0
metrics-scraper : v1.0.9
kube-state-metrics: v2.8.2
OpenSearch Dashboards: 2.6.0
OpenSearch: v2.6.0
New Extensions
3D Slicer
Maintenance UI for UI-based platform management and maintenance
Multi Instance support for different Kaapana deployments within a single K8S Cluster
New persistence layer for Kapaana
Release Notes v0.1.3
Date: July 31, 2022
- Updated microk8s to v1.23/stable
latest stable version
API adjustments within all deployments
- Server and platform installation improvements
new certificate installation incl. random cert generator
easy offline installation method (no registry needed)
introduction of a helm namespace for separate deployment tracking
support for custom DNS servers
better proxy support (incl. no_proxy configuration)
improved security by RBAC cluster support
support for AlmaLinux as a replacement for CentOS 8
- Extensions
simplification of extension collections
- New build-system
improved build-time (~1h for the kaapana-platform)
improved dependency checks
build-tree visualization
container tarball export for offline installation
platform filters (to only build specific ones)
ability to include external repositories into the build-tree
Podman support as Docker alternative
direct microk8s injection
stats on used / unused resources
better logs
ability to separate platforms in a registry using prefixes
- New processing scheduling system
improved robustness
multi GPU support
multi job per GPU support
utilizes Airflow pools as a transparent and consistent solution
New Auth-Proxy → now OAuth2-proxy (Louketo has been deprecated)
No additional port for Keycloak needed anymore
Support for http → https redirect for arbitrary ports
- New development method within running pipelines
live container-debugging during workflow execution
Front-end for build-in IDE within the platform
- Bug-fixes
Fixed misbehaving “Delete-Series-From-Platform” workflow
Re-Index workflow
Increased timeout for process incoming dcm when called from CTP
Fixed bug in DICOM reindexation polluting the data directory
Fixed bugs in install script to make it location agnostic
- General Improvements
More robust un-deployment of the platform
Up to date Zenodo metadata
New tagging system allowing the deletion of tags and a faster processing
Adjustments of the landing page design
The dcmsend processing container reties sending of images up to 5 times making it more robust
Add Monitoring support for airflow
New Grafana Dashboards for Airlfow, Kubernetes and Traefik
- Documentation
Adjusted tutorials
New Operator docs
New Guides (Write Dockerfiles for Kaapana, Automatic Triggering, Send images to platform, Building the Platform, How does the Build System Work, Provide Workflow as Extension, How Kaapana uses Helm Charts, How to stop and restart a workflow, How to remove data from the platform, How to backup a Kaapana instance, How to install TLS certificates)
FAQ extension
New examples for workflows and processing containers
many other smaller bug-fixes and adjustments
Incompatible Changes
Kubernetes v1.19 is not supported anymore
Updated Components
Airflow v2.2.5
Dcm4chee v5.26.0
Keycloak v19.0.3
Traefik v2.6
Kubernetes Dashboard v2.5.1
OHIF v4.12.26
MinIO v2022.03.26
Grafana v8.4.4
Prometheus v2.34.0
Alertmanager v0.24.0
CTP v0.1.3
kube-state metrics v2.5.0
New integrations:
Federated learning extension
Updated extensions:
Jupyterlab v3.3.2
Code-Server v4.2.0
Tensorboard v2.8.0
Mitk-Workbench v2022.04
Date: May 30, 2022
Date: May 15, 2022
Last release with support for kubernetes v1.19
Date: Oct 24, 2020
Initial release of Kaapana