Source code for kaapana.operators.Itk2DcmSegOperator

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from kaapana.operators.KaapanaBaseOperator import KaapanaBaseOperator
from kaapana.blueprints.kaapana_global_variables import (

[docs]class Itk2DcmSegOperator(KaapanaBaseOperator): """ Operator converts segmentation data into .dcm segmentation files. This operator takes .nrrd segmentation files and creates .dcm segmentation files. The operator uses the dcmqi libary. For dcmqi documentation please have a look at **Inputs:** * .nrrd segmentation file **Outputs:** * .dcm segmentation file """ def __init__( self, dag, segmentation_in_dir=None, segmentation_operator=None, name="nrrd2dcmseg", input_type="single_label_segs", alg_name=None, creator_name="kaapana", alg_type="AUTOMATIC", single_label_seg_info=None, create_multi_label_dcm_from_single_label_segs=False, multi_label_seg_info_json=None, multi_label_seg_name=None, series_description=None, skip_empty_slices=False, fail_on_no_segmentation_found=True, env_vars=None, execution_timeout=timedelta(minutes=90), **kwargs, ): """ :param segmentation_operator: Operator object used for segmentation :param input_type: "multi_label_seg" or "single_label_segs" If "multi_label_seg", a json file inside OPERATOR_IMAGE_LIST_INPUT_DIR must exist containing parts as follows {"seg_info": ["spleen", "right@kidney"]} :param alg_name: Name of the algorithm :param creator_name: Name of the creator :param alg_type: Type of the algorithm. Default: "AUTOMATIC" :param single_label_seg_info: "from_file_name" or e.g. "right@kidney" or "abdomen" :param create_multi_label_dcm_from_single_label_segs: True or False :param multi_label_seg_info_json: name of json file inside OPERATOR_IMAGE_LIST_INPUT_DIR that contains the organ seg infos e.g. {"seg_info": ["spleen", "right@kidney"]} :param multi_label_seg_name: Name used for multi-label segmentation object, if it will be created :param series_description: Description of the series :param skip_empty_slices: Whether empty sclices of the series should be skipped. Default: False :param env_vars: Environment variables :param execution_timeout: max time allowed for the execution of this task instance, if it goes beyond it will raise and fail """ if env_vars is None: env_vars = {} envs = { "INPUT_TYPE": input_type, # multi_label_seg or single_label_segs # Relevant if input is single label seg objects or multiple single label seg objects "SINGLE_LABEL_SEG_INFO": single_label_seg_info, # SINGLE_LABEL_SEG_INFO must be either "from_file_name" or a e.g. "right@kidney" "CREATE_MULIT_LABEL_DCM_FROM_SINGLE_LABEL_SEGS": str( create_multi_label_dcm_from_single_label_segs ), # true or false # Relevant if input is multilabel seg object "MULTI_LABEL_SEG_INFO_JSON": multi_label_seg_info_json, # name of json file inside OPERATOR_IMAGE_LIST_INPUT_DIR that contains the organ seg infos e.g. {"seg_info": ["spleen", "right@kidney"]} # Always relevant: "MULTI_LABEL_SEG_NAME": multi_label_seg_name, # Name used for multi-label segmentation object, if it will be created "FAIL_ON_NO_SEGMENTATION_FOUND": f"{fail_on_no_segmentation_found}", # "OPERATOR_IMAGE_LIST_INPUT_DIR": segmentation_operator.operator_out_dir, # directory that contains segmentaiton objects "SERIES_DISCRIPTION": "{}".format( series_description or alg_name or "UNKOWN SEGMENTATION ALGORITHM" ), "ALGORITHM_NAME": f'{alg_name or "kaapana"}', "CREATOR_NAME": creator_name, "ALGORITHM_TYPE": alg_type, "SERIES_NUMBER": "300", "INSTANCE_NUMBER": "1", "SKIP_EMPTY_SLICES": f"{skip_empty_slices}", "DCMQI_COMMAND": "itkimage2segimage", } env_vars.update(envs) if segmentation_operator is None and segmentation_in_dir is not None: env_vars["OPERATOR_IMAGE_LIST_INPUT_DIR"] = str(segmentation_in_dir) else: if segmentation_operator is not None and segmentation_in_dir is None: env_vars["OPERATOR_IMAGE_LIST_INPUT_DIR"] = str( segmentation_operator.operator_out_dir ) else: raise NameError( "Either segmentation_operator or operator_in_dir has to be set." ) super().__init__( dag=dag, image=f"{DEFAULT_REGISTRY}/dcmqi:{KAAPANA_BUILD_VERSION}", name=name, env_vars=env_vars, image_pull_secrets=["registry-secret"], execution_timeout=execution_timeout, ram_mem_mb=6000, ram_mem_mb_lmt=12000, **kwargs, )