Source code for kaapana.operators.LocalDcmAnonymizerOperator

import subprocess
import os
import errno
import glob
import json
import shutil

from kaapana.operators.KaapanaPythonBaseOperator import KaapanaPythonBaseOperator

[docs]class LocalDcmAnonymizerOperator(KaapanaPythonBaseOperator): """ Operator to anonymize sensitive information. **Inputs:** * Input data which should be anonymized is given via input parameter: input_operator **Outputs:** * Dicom file: Anonymized .dcm file(s) """
[docs] def start(self, ds, **kwargs): print("Starting module LocalDcmAnonymizerOperator...") print(kwargs) if os.environ.get("DCMDICTPATH") is None: print("DCMDICTPATH not found...") raise ValueError("ERROR") anonymize_dict_path = ( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/anonymize-tags.json" ) with open(anonymize_dict_path) as data_file: anonymize_tags = json.load(data_file) if "source" in anonymize_tags: del anonymize_tags["source"] print("Anonymize tag loaded...") erase_tags = "" for tag in list(anonymize_tags.keys()): # [:15]: erase_tags += ' --erase-all "(%s)"' % tag run_dir = os.path.join(self.airflow_workflow_dir, kwargs["dag_run"].run_id) batch_dirs = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(run_dir, self.batch_name, "*"))] print("Found {} batch elements.".format(len(batch_dirs))) anon_command = "dcmodify --no-backup --ignore-missing-tags " + erase_tags + " " for batch_element_dir in batch_dirs: batch_element_out_dir = os.path.join( batch_element_dir, self.operator_out_dir ) dcm_files = sorted( glob.glob( os.path.join(batch_element_dir, self.operator_in_dir, "*.dcm*"), recursive=True, ) ) for dcm_file in dcm_files: output_filepath = os.path.join( batch_element_out_dir, os.path.basename(dcm_file) ) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_filepath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_filepath)) if not os.path.isfile(output_filepath) or self.overwrite: shutil.copyfile(dcm_file, output_filepath) file_command = anon_command + output_filepath ret =[file_command], shell=True) if ret != 0: print("Something went wrong with dcmodify...") raise ValueError("ERROR") if self.single_slice: break
def __init__(self, dag, bulk=False, overwrite=True, single_slice=False, **kwargs): """ :param bulk: process all files of a series or only the first one (default: False). :param overwrite: should overwrite or not (default: True). :param single_slice: only single slice to be processed or not (default: False). """ self.dcmodify_path = "dcmodify" self.bulk = bulk self.overwrite = overwrite self.single_slice = single_slice if "DCMDICTPATH" in os.environ and "DICT_PATH" in os.environ: # DCMDICTPATH is used by dcmtk / dcmodify self.dict_path = os.getenv("DICT_PATH") else: print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") print("DCMDICTPATH or DICT_PATH ENV NOT FOUND!") print("dcmdictpath: {}".format(os.getenv("DCMDICTPATH"))) print("dict_path: {}".format(os.getenv("DICT_PATH"))) print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") raise ValueError("ERROR") super().__init__( dag=dag, name="dcm-anonymizer", python_callable=self.start, **kwargs )