Source code for kaapana.operators.LocalGetInputDataOperator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import json
from datetime import timedelta
from kaapana.operators.KaapanaPythonBaseOperator import KaapanaPythonBaseOperator
from kaapana.operators.HelperDcmWeb import HelperDcmWeb
from kaapana.operators.HelperOpensearch import HelperOpensearch
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from os.path import join, exists, dirname
import shutil
import glob
import pydicom
from kaapana.operators.HelperCaching import cache_operator_output

[docs]class LocalGetInputDataOperator(KaapanaPythonBaseOperator): """ Operator to get input data for a workflow/dag. This operator pulls all defined files from it's defined source and stores the files in the workflow directory. All subsequent operators can get and process the files from within the workflow directory. Typically, this operator can be used as the first operator in a workflow. **Inputs:** * data_form: 'json' * data_type: 'dicom' or 'json' * dataset_limit: limit the download series list number * include_custom_tag_property: Key in workflow_form used to specify tags that must be present in the data for inclusion * exclude_custom_tag_property: Key in workflow_form used to specify tags that, if present in the data, lead to exclusion **Outputs:** * Stores downloaded 'dicoms' or 'json' files in the 'operator_out_dir' """
[docs] def check_dag_modality(self, input_modality): config = self.conf input_modality = input_modality.lower() if ( config is not None and "form_data" in config and config["form_data"] is not None and "input" in config["form_data"] ): dag_modalities = config["form_data"]["input"].lower() if input_modality not in dag_modalities: print( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ) print( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ) print("") print("check_dag_modality failed!") print( f"DAG modality vs input modality: {dag_modalities} vs {input_modality}" ) print("Wrong modality for this DAG!") print("ABORT") print("") print( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ) print( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ) raise ValueError("ERROR") else: print("Could not find DAG modality in DAG-run conf!") print("Skipping 'check_dag_modality'") return
[docs] def get_data(self, series_dict): download_successful = True studyUID, seriesUID, dag_run_id = ( series_dict["studyUID"], series_dict["seriesUID"], series_dict["dag_run_id"], ) print(f"Start download series: {seriesUID}") target_dir = os.path.join( self.airflow_workflow_dir, dag_run_id, self.batch_name, f"{seriesUID}", self.operator_out_dir, ) print(f"# Target_dir: {target_dir}") if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if self.data_type == "dicom": download_successful = self.dcmweb_helper.downloadSeries( series_uid=seriesUID, target_dir=target_dir ) if not download_successful: print("Could not download DICOM data!") download_successful = False elif self.data_type == "json": meta_data = HelperOpensearch.get_series_metadata( series_instance_uid=seriesUID ) json_path = join(target_dir, "metadata.json") with open(json_path, "w") as fp: json.dump(meta_data, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True) elif self.data_type == "minio": print("Not supported yet!") print("abort...") download_successful = False else: print("unknown data-mode!") print("abort...") download_successful = False return download_successful, seriesUID
[docs] def move_series(self, src_dcm_path: str, target: str): print("#") print( "############################ Get input data ############################" ) print("#") print(f"# Moving data from {src_dcm_path} -> {target}") print("#") shutil.move(src=src_dcm_path, dst=target) print(f"# Series CTP import -> OK: {target}")
[docs] @cache_operator_output def start(self, ds, **kwargs): print("# Starting module LocalGetInputDataOperator...") print("#") self.conf = kwargs["dag_run"].conf dag_run_id = kwargs["dag_run"].run_id if self.conf and ("seriesInstanceUID" in self.conf): series_uid = self.conf.get("seriesInstanceUID") dcm_path = join( "/kaapana/mounted/ctpinput", "incoming", self.conf.get("dicom_path") ) print("#") print(f"# Dicom-path: {dcm_path}") target = join( self.airflow_workflow_dir, dag_run_id, "batch", series_uid, self.operator_out_dir, ) if not exists(target) or not any( fname.endswith(".dcm") for fname in os.listdir(target) ): if not os.path.isdir(dcm_path): print(f"Could not find dicom dir: {dcm_path}") print("Abort!") raise ValueError("ERROR") else: self.move_series(src_dcm_path=dcm_path, target=target) else: print("Files have already been moved -> skipping") return if self.conf and "ctpBatch" in self.conf: batch_folder = join( "/kaapana/mounted/ctpinput", "incoming", self.conf.get("dicom_path") ) print(f"# Batch folder: {batch_folder}") dcm_series_paths = [f for f in glob.glob(batch_folder + "/*")] for dcm_series_path in dcm_series_paths: dcm_file_list = glob.glob(dcm_series_path + "/*.dcm", recursive=True) if dcm_file_list: dcm_file = pydicom.dcmread(dcm_file_list[0], force=True) series_uid = dcm_file[0x0020, 0x000E].value target = join( self.airflow_workflow_dir, dag_run_id, "batch", series_uid, self.operator_out_dir, ) if exists(target) and any( fname.endswith(".dcm") for fname in os.listdir(target) ): print("Files have already been moved -> skipping") else: self.move_series(src_dcm_path=dcm_series_path, target=target) # remove parent batch folder if exists(batch_folder) and not os.listdir(batch_folder): shutil.rmtree(batch_folder) return if self.conf and "dataInputDirs" in self.conf: dataInputDirs = self.conf.get("dataInputDirs") if not isinstance(dataInputDirs, list): dataInputDirs = [dataInputDirs] for src in dataInputDirs: target = join(dirname(src), self.operator_out_dir) if src == target: print("#") print(f"# Data is already at out dir location -> {target}") print("#") else: print("#") print(f"# Moving data from {src} -> {target}") print("#") shutil.move(src=src, dst=target) print("# Dag input dir correctly adjusted.") return if self.data_form is None: if self.conf is not None and "data_form" in self.conf: print("Setting data_from from conf object") self.data_form = self.conf["data_form"] else: print( "No data_form in config or object found! Data seems to be present already..." ) print("Skipping...") return if "query" in self.data_form and "identifiers" in self.data_form: print( "You defined 'identifiers' and a 'query', only one definition is supported!" ) exit(1) if "query" in self.data_form: print( HelperOpensearch.get_query_dataset( self.data_form["query"], only_uids=True ) ) self.data_form["identifiers"] = HelperOpensearch.get_query_dataset( self.data_form["query"], only_uids=True ) print("# data_form:") print("#") print(json.dumps(self.data_form, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print("#") print("#") dataset_limit = int(self.data_form.get("dataset_limit", 0)) self.dataset_limit = dataset_limit if dataset_limit > 0 else None if len(self.data_form["identifiers"]) > 0: print( f"{self.include_custom_tag_property=}, {self.exclude_custom_tag_property=}" ) include_custom_tag = "" exclude_custom_tag = "" if self.include_custom_tag_property != "": include_custom_tag = self.conf["workflow_form"][ self.include_custom_tag_property ] if self.exclude_custom_tag_property != "": exclude_custom_tag = self.conf["workflow_form"][ self.exclude_custom_tag_property ] self.dicom_data_infos = HelperOpensearch.get_dcm_uid_objects( self.data_form["identifiers"], include_custom_tag=include_custom_tag, exclude_custom_tag=exclude_custom_tag, ) else: print("# Issue with data form -> exit. ") exit(1) print(f"# Dataset-limit: {self.dataset_limit}") print("#") print("#") print("# Dicom data information:") print("#") print(json.dumps(self.dicom_data_infos, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print("#") print("#") download_list = [] for dicom_data_info in self.dicom_data_infos: if "dcm-uid" in dicom_data_info: dcm_uid = dicom_data_info["dcm-uid"] if "study-uid" not in dcm_uid: print( "'study-uid' not found in 'dcm-uid': {}".format(dicom_data_info) ) print("abort...") raise ValueError("ERROR") if "series-uid" not in dcm_uid: print( "'series-uid' not found in 'dcm-uid': {}".format( dicom_data_info ) ) print("abort...") raise ValueError("ERROR") if "modality" in dcm_uid and self.check_modality: modality = dcm_uid["curated_modality"] self.check_dag_modality(input_modality=modality) study_uid = dcm_uid["study-uid"] series_uid = dcm_uid["series-uid"] download_list.append( { "studyUID": study_uid, "seriesUID": series_uid, "dag_run_id": dag_run_id, } ) else: print("Error with dag-config!") print("Unknown input: {}".format(dicom_data_info)) print("Supported 'dcm-uid' ") print("Dag-conf: {}".format(self.conf)) raise ValueError("ERROR") print("") print(f"## SERIES FOUND: {len(download_list)}") print("") print(f"## SERIES LIMIT: {self.dataset_limit}") download_list = ( download_list[: self.dataset_limit] if self.dataset_limit is not None else download_list ) print("") print(f"## SERIES TO LOAD: {len(download_list)}") print("") if len(download_list) == 0: print("#####################################################") print("#") print(f"# No series to download !! ") print("#") print("#####################################################") raise ValueError("ERROR") series_download_fail = [] self.dcmweb_helper = HelperDcmWeb( application_entity="KAAPANA", dag_run=kwargs["dag_run"] ) with ThreadPool(self.parallel_downloads) as threadpool: results = threadpool.imap_unordered(self.get_data, download_list) for download_successful, series_uid in results: print(f"# Series download ok: {series_uid}") if not download_successful: series_download_fail.append(series_uid) if len(series_download_fail) > 0: print("#####################################################") print("#") print(f"# Some series could not be downloaded! ") for series_uid in series_download_fail: print("#") print(f"# Series: {series_uid} failed !") print("#") print("#####################################################") raise ValueError("ERROR")
def __init__( self, dag, name="get-input-data", data_type="dicom", data_form=None, check_modality=False, dataset_limit=None, parallel_downloads=3, include_custom_tag_property="", exclude_custom_tag_property="", batch_name=None, **kwargs, ): """ :param data_type: 'dicom' or 'json' :param data_form: 'json' :param check_modality: 'True' or 'False' :param dataset_limit: limits the download list :param include_custom_tag_property: key in workflow_form for filtering with tags that must exist :param exclude_custom_tag_property: key in workflow_form for filtering with tags that must not exist :param parallel_downloads: default 3, number of parallel downloads """ self.data_type = data_type self.data_form = data_form self.dataset_limit = dataset_limit self.check_modality = check_modality self.parallel_downloads = parallel_downloads self.include_custom_tag_property = include_custom_tag_property self.exclude_custom_tag_property = exclude_custom_tag_property super().__init__( dag=dag, name=name, batch_name=batch_name, python_callable=self.start, max_active_tis_per_dag=10, execution_timeout=timedelta(minutes=60), **kwargs, )