Source code for kaapana.operators.Mask2nifitiOperator

from kaapana.operators.KaapanaBaseOperator import KaapanaBaseOperator
from kaapana.blueprints.kaapana_global_variables import (
from datetime import timedelta

[docs]class Mask2nifitiOperator(KaapanaBaseOperator): """ This operator takes a .dcm SEG or RTSTRUCT file and converts it into the Nifti file format. For DICOM SEG, the operator uses the dcmqi libary ( For DICOM RTSTRUCT, the operator uses the dcmrtstruct2nii libary ( **Inputs:** * .dcm mask-file (SEG and RTSTRUCT are supported) **Outputs:** * Nifti file with the segmentation mask """ def __init__( self, dag, dicom_operator=None, output_type="nii.gz", seg_filter=None, exit_on_error=True, env_vars=None, execution_timeout=timedelta(days=5), **kwargs, ): """ :param seg_filter: A bash list of organs, that should be filtered from the segmentation e.g. "liver,aorta" :param env_vars: Environmental variables :param execution_timeout: max time allowed for the execution of this task instance, if it goes beyond it will raise and fail """ if env_vars is None: env_vars = {} envs = { "BASE_DICOM_DIR": str(dicom_operator.operator_out_dir) if dicom_operator is not None else str(None), "OUTPUT_TYPE": output_type, "SEG_FILTER": seg_filter or "", # a bash list i.e.: 'liver,aorta', "EXIT_ON_ISSUE": str(exit_on_error), } env_vars.update(envs) super().__init__( dag=dag, image=f"{DEFAULT_REGISTRY}/mask2nifti:{KAAPANA_BUILD_VERSION}", name="mask2nifti", env_vars=env_vars, image_pull_secrets=["registry-secret"], execution_timeout=execution_timeout, ram_mem_mb=3000, ram_mem_mb_lmt=20000, **kwargs, )