Source code for kaapana.operators.DcmModifyOperator

import os
from datetime import timedelta
from kaapana.kubetools.volume_mount import VolumeMount
from kaapana.kubetools.volume import Volume
from kaapana.kubetools.resources import Resources as PodResources
from kaapana.operators.KaapanaBaseOperator import KaapanaBaseOperator
from kaapana.blueprints.kaapana_global_variables import (

[docs]class DcmModifyOperator(KaapanaBaseOperator): """ Operator to modify DICOM tags. This operator serves to modify DICOM tags of DICOM files. The operator relies on DCMTK's "dcmodify" function. Note: This operator edits the DICOM files in-place. Therefore, the original DICOM files are modified. Furthermore, it creates a backup of the original DICOM files in the same directory with ending "{filename}.bak". If the filename ends with ".dcm", the backup file will be named "{filename}.dcm.bak". **Inputs:** * DICOM files which should be modified. * DICOM tags which should be modified in given DICOM files. **Outputs:** * Modified DICOM files according to DICOM tags. """ def __init__( self, dag, dicom_tags_to_modify, # eg: "(0008,0016)=1.2.840.10008.;(0008,0017)=1.2.840.10008.;(0008,0018)=1.2.840.10008." name="DcmModify", env_vars={}, **kwargs, ): """ :param dicom_tags_to_modify: List of all DICOM tags which should be modified in given DICOM file. Specify using the following syntax: eg: "(0008,0016)=1.2.840.10008.;(0008,0017)=1.2.840.10008.; ... . """ envs = { "DICOM_TAGS_TO_MODIFY": str(dicom_tags_to_modify), } env_vars.update(envs) super().__init__( dag=dag, image=f"{DEFAULT_REGISTRY}/dcmodify:{KAAPANA_BUILD_VERSION}", name=name, image_pull_secrets=["registry-secret"], keep_parallel_id=False, env_vars=env_vars, ram_mem_mb=100, **kwargs, )