Build Kaapana
It is important to note that the building of Kaapana (including the cloning of the repository etc.) is completely separated from the actual installation / deployment of the platform. Building the repository, which is described in this chapter, refers to the creation of the required containers and Helm Charts needed for an installation. The results of this build (containers and charts) are usually pushed into a registry and downloaded from there for the installation on the actual deployment server (where the platform will be running).
Build Requirements
Perform these steps on the build-machine! Recommended operating system is Ubuntu 20.04.
.Before you get started you should be familiar with the basic concepts and components of Kaapana (see What is Kaapana?). You should also have the following packages installed on your build-system.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y nano curl git python3 python3-pip
sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install -y nano curl git python3 python3-pip
Clone the repository:
git clone -b master
Python requirements
python3 -m pip install -r kaapana/build-scripts/requirements.txt
Check if snap is already installed:snap help --all
If not run the following commands:sudo apt install -y snapd
A reboot is needed afterwards!Check if snap is already installed:snap help --all
If not run the following commands:sudo dnf install -y epel-release && sudo dnf install -y snapd
A reboot is needed afterwards!Docker
sudo snap install docker --classic --channel=latest/stable
In order to execute docker commands as non-root user you need to execute the following steps:
sudo snap install helm --classic --channel=latest/stable
sudo reboot
Test Docker
docker run hello-world
-> this should work now without root privilegesHelm plugin
helm plugin install
Start Build
Generate default build-config
Open the build-configuration file
nano kaapana/build-scripts/build-config.yaml
Adjust the configuration to your needs:
We recommend building the project using a registry. If you do not have access to an established registry, we recommend using Gitlab, which provides a cost-free option to use a private container registry.
http_proxy: "" # put the proxy here if needed default_registry: "registry.<gitlab-url>/<group-or-user>/<project>" # registry url incl. project Gitlab template: "registry.<gitlab-url>/<group/user>/<project>" registry_username: "" # container registry username registry_password: "" # container registry password container_engine: "docker" # docker or podman enable_build_kit: true # Should be false for now: Docker BuildKit: log_level: "INFO" # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR build_only: false # charts and containers will only be build and not pushed to the registry create_offline_installation: false # Advanced feature - whether to create a docker dump from which the platform can be deployed offline (file-size ~50GB) push_to_microk8s: false # Advanced feature - inject container directly into microk8s after build exit_on_error: true # stop immediately if an issue occurs enable_linting: true # should be true - checks deployment validity skip_push_no_changes: false # Advanced feature - should be false usually platform_filter: "kaapana-admin-chart" # comma seperated platform-chart-names external_source_dirs: "" # comma seperated paths build_ignore_patterns: "" # comma seperated list of directory paths or files that should be ignored parallel_processes: 2 # parallel process count for container build + push include_credentials: false # Whether to include the used registry credentials into the deploy-platform script enable_image_stats: false # Whether to enable container image size statistics (build/image_stats.json) vulnerability_scan: false # Whether containers should be checked for vulnerabilities during build. vulnerability_severity_level: "CRITICAL,HIGH" # Filter by severity of findings. CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, UNKNOWN. All -> "" configuration_check: false # Wheter the Charts, deployments, dockerfiles etc. should be checked for configuration errors. configuration_check_severity_level: "CRITICAL,HIGH" # Filter by severity of findings. CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, UNKNOWN. All -> "" create_sboms: false # Create Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) for the built containers.
Not recommended.If a private registry is not available, it is possible to setup a local registry.This may be helpful for one-time show-casing, testing, developing, or if there are any issues with connection to the remote registry.This solution is only persistent while the docker container containing the registry is running. It also works only locally and cannot be distributed.For building with a local registry, you need to set up a local Docker registry with basic authentication with following steps:Create credentials (replace <registry user> and <registry password>):
mkdir auth docker run --entrypoint htpasswd httpd:2.4.58 -Bbn <registry user> <registry password> > auth/htpasswd
Start the Docker registry with basic authentication:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart unless-stopped --name registry -v "$(pwd)"/auth:/auth -e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd" -e "REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_REALM=Registry Realm" -e REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_PATH=/auth/htpasswd registry:2.8.3
:... default_registry: "localhost:5000" ...
Not recommended.In case platfrom should be deployed in the machine without internet access (i.e. offline),installation files, containers and helm charts need to be pre-build on the serverwith internet access and copied on the server, where requirements can be installed and platfrom deployed.This configuration creates an image tarball and offline microk8s installer... default_registry: "registry.local/offline/offline" # dummy registry user for tagging purposes only ... build_only: true # charts and containers will only be build and not pushed to the registry create_offline_installation: true # Advanced feature - whether to create a docker dump from which the platform can be deployed offline (file-size ~50GB) push_to_microk8s: false # Advanced feature - inject container directly into microk8s after build ...
Installer will be available inkaapana/build/microk8s-offline-installer
Tarball will be available inkaapana/build/kaapana-admin-chart/kaapana-admin-chart-<version>-images.tar
After the configuration has been adjusted, the build process can be started with:
./kaapana/build-scripts/ -u <registry user> -p <registry password>
This takes usually (depending on your hardware) around 1h.
You can find the build-logs and results at
If everything has worked, you can proceed with the server installation: Server Installation.