


This section explains the types of Kaapana extensions and how they work. For descriptions of available workflow and application extensions, refer to the Workflows and Applications. To learn how to integrate custom components into the platform as extensions, refer to the Developing Applications and Developing Workflows.

The Extension functional unit in Kaapana serves as an app store. It allows users to install/uninstall applications, workflows, and even platforms (experimental feature). Technically, an extension is a Helm chart.

Each extension in the Kaapana repository consists of two folders: docker and <extension-name>-chart. For more information about the file structure, refer to the Helm Charts section Advanced: How Kaapana uses Helm.

There are two types of extensions:

  1. Workflow Extensions: Consist of single or multiple executable DAGs in Apache Airflow. After installing a workflow extension, you can see the DAGs available under Workflow Execution menu.

  2. Applications: These provide additional functionalities such as opening a VS Code server, a JupyterLab notebook, or an MITK Workbench instance.

In addition to the distinction in kinds, there is also an distinction in versions, namely stable or experimental. Stable extensions have been tested and maintained, while experimental extensions are not. The filters on the Extensions page allow users to filter extensions based on the version. The extension list is updated in real time based on the selected filters. The Extensions page also displays the current Helm and Kubernetes status of each extension, such as Running, Completed, Failed, or Error.


Kaapana supports multi-installable extensions, which will have a “Launch” button instead of “Install”. Each time a multi-installable extension is launched, it is deployed as a separate Helm release.


To install a specific version of an extension, use the dropdown in the version column.

The section Developing Workflows also explains how to write and add your own extensions.

Uploading Extensions to the Platform

Kaapana also provides an experimental upload component for extensions. This allows users to upload both Docker images and Helm charts to the platform. Currently, this component only accepts two file types: “.tar” for exported images and “.tgz” for Helm charts.

This feature is intended to be used by developers who have knowledge about configuring Helm charts and Kubernetes resources. It is strongly recommended to read the following sections before uploading anything to platform: Advanced: How Kaapana uses Helm and Writing Dockerfile

Chart Upload:

  • Uploaded chart files are checked for basic safety measures, such as whether they are running any resource under the admin namespace.

  • To create a zipped chart file that can be uploaded to Kaapana, run the following Helm command inside the chart folder:

helm dep up
helm package .


  • If the build step is already completed, all the chart tgz files -and their respective folders- should be available under kaapana/build/kaapana-admin-chart/kaapana-extension-collection/charts. The structure should be the same with the DAGs and services already available there.

  • For any Kubernetes resource yaml inside the templates folder (i.e. deployment, job), the image tag should be referenced correctly (example field that needs to be changed).

Image Upload:

  • To save an image as a .tar file, use docker or podman.

  • Uploaded images are automatically imported into the microk8s ctr environment (for details see the images import command here) .

  • A useful command to check if the image is imported with the correct tag into the container runtime is microk8s ctr images ls | grep <image-tag>


Since the images uploaded via this component are not already available in a registry, the imagePullPolicy field in the corresponding Kubernetes resource yaml files (example value to be changed) should be changed to IfNotPresent.

If you have any issues regarding the upload mechanism, check Container Upload Failed.

Extension Parameters

Introduced in version 0.2.0, Extensions support specifying parameters as environment variables. This functionality can be customized according to the requirements of the extension. Some examples of available parameters are task_ID`s for **nnUNet** and the :code:`service_type` field for MITK Workbench. Parameters can be of type string, boolean, single_selectable, or multi_selectable. Parameters should be defined in the values.yaml file of the chart. Each of them should follow this structure:

    default: <default_value>
    definition: "definition of the parameter"
    type: oneof (string, bool, list_single, list_multi)
    value: <value_entered_by_the_user>


nnU-Net (nnunet-predict)

Method: “Automated Design of Deep Learning Methods for Biomedical Image Segmentation”
Authors: Fabian Isensee, Paul F. Jäger, Simon A. A. Kohl, Jens Petersen, Klaus H. Maier-Hein
What’s going on?
A nnU-Net inference is executed.
1) Model is downloaded
2) DICOM will be converted to .nrrd files
3) Selected task is applied on input image
4) .nrrd segmentations will be converted to DICOM Segmentation (DICOM SEG) object.
5) DICOM SEGs will be sent to the internal platform PACS
Input data:
Depending on the Task see for more information on Github

nnU-Net (nnunet-training)

Method: “Automated Design of Deep Learning Methods for Biomedical Image Segmentation”
Authors: Fabian Isensee, Paul F. Jäger, Simon A. A. Kohl, Jens Petersen, Klaus H. Maier-Hein
What’s going on?
A nnU-Net training is executed.
1) Segmentation objects are downloaded
2) Referenced DICOM objects are downloaded
3) Segmentation objects will be converted to .nifti files
4) DICOM will be converted to .nifti files
5) The segmentation objects are evaluated for overlapping segmentations and in case of an overlap to a certain threshold, the segmentation object will be removed from the training data.
6) nnU-Net training is planned and training data is preprocessed
7) The actual training is executed
8) The trained model is zipped
9) The zipped model is converted to a DICOM object
10) The DICOM object is sent to the internal platform PACS
11) A training report is generated
12) The model and training logs are uploaded to Minio
13) The training report is uploaded to a location, where it can be rendered by a static website
14) The training report is converted to a DICOM object
15) The DICOM object is sent to the internal platform PACS
Input data:
Segmentation objects. Please avoid overlapping segmentations and specify the segmentation labels that you want to use for the training in the SEG field.

nnU-Net (nnunet-ensemble)

Method: “Automated Design of Deep Learning Methods for Biomedical Image Segmentation”
Authors: Fabian Isensee, Paul F. Jäger, Simon A. A. Kohl, Jens Petersen, Klaus H. Maier-Hein
What’s going on?
The workflow allows to evaluate the performance of multiple trained nnU-Net models on a given dataset. It could also be used to only evaluate one model. The seg-check-ensemble operator will throw an error but the execution is still successful!
1) Segmentation objects used as reference segmentations are downloaded
2) Sorting of segmentation objects
2) Referenced DICOM objects are downloaded
3) Segmentation objects will be converted to .nifti files
4) DICOM will be converted to .nifti files
5) The reference segmentation objects are evaluated for overlapping segmentations and in case of an overlap to a certain threshold, the segmentation object will be removed for the evaluation.
6) Models to be evaluated are downloaded
7) Models are extracted from DIOCM objects
8) Models are unzipped
9) Models are applied to the input DICOM data
10) Model predictions are ensembled
11) The predicted segmentations are restructured
12) The ensembled segmentations are restructured
13) The predicted segmentation objects are evaluated for overlapping segmentations and in case of an overlap to a certain threshold, the segmentation object will be removed for the evaluation.
14) The ensembled segmentation objects are evaluated for overlapping segmentations and in case of an overlap to a certain threshold, the segmentation object will be removed for the evaluation.
15) DICE scores between the reference and predicted (ensembled) segmentations are calculated
16) A report containing the DICE Scores is created
17) The results of the evaluation are uploaded to Minio
18) A report is uploaded to a location, where it can be rendered by a static website
Input data:
Segmentation objects. Please avoid overlapping segmentations. In addition, models to be used for the evaluation are expected. Make sure that the models actually predict the labels from the inputted segmentation objects.

nnU-Net (nnunet-model-management)

Method: “Automated Design of Deep Learning Methods for Biomedical Image Segmentation”
Authors: Fabian Isensee, Paul F. Jäger, Simon A. A. Kohl, Jens Petersen, Klaus H. Maier-Hein
What’s going on?
Models that are stored as DICOM files in the internal PACS can be extracted into the models directory of Kaapana to be used by the nnunet-predict workflow. The workflow also allows to remove installed tasks.
1) Models are downloaded
2) Models are extracted from DIOCM objects
3) Models are moved to the models directory of Kaapana


Method: “TotalSegmentator: robust segmentation of 104 anatomical structures in CT images”
Authors: Wasserthal J., Meyer M., Breit H., Cyriac J., Yang S., Segeroth M.
What’s going on?
1) Model is downloaded
2) DICOM will be converted to .nrrd files
3) TotalSegmentator with all its subtasks is applied to the input data
4) .nrrd segmentations will be converted to DICOM Segmentation (DICOM SEG) object.
5) DICOM SEGs will be sent to the internal platform PACS
Input data:
Any CT scans.

Automatic organ segmentation (shapemodel-organ-seg)

Method: “3D Statistical Shape Models Incorporating Landmark-Wise Random Regression Forests for Omni-Directional Landmark Detection”
Authors: Tobias Norajitra and Klaus H. Maier-Hein
What’s going on?
1) DICOM will be converted to .nrrd files
2) Normalization of input images
3) Parallel segmentation of liver,spleen and kidneys (left and right)
4) .nrrd segmentations will be converted to DICOM Segmentation (DICOM SEG) object.
5) DICOM SEGs will be sent to the internal platform PACS
Input data:
Filter for abdominal CT scans within the meta dashboard.

Radiomics (radiomics-dcmseg)

What’s going on?
1) Selected DICOM SEGs are converted not .nrrd files
2) Corresponding CT file is downloaded form the PACS
3) Downloaded CT files are converted to *.nrrd
4) Radiomics is applied on selected DICOMs
5) Extracted radiomics data are pushed to the bucket radiomics in Minio and can be downloaded there
Input data:
DICOM Segmentations


What’s going on?
1) A MITK instance is launched within a noVNC application.
2) Access the noVNC application with MITK running through the Pending applications page.
3) In MITK, load the first task from the Kaapana Task List Load task 1/x.
4) Modify or create segmentations.
5) Accept the segmentations by clicking Accept segmentation. Only accepted segmentations will be stored.
6) Load the next task.
7) After completing manual interactions, click Finish Manual Interaction on the Pending applications page. Newly created segmentations will be uploaded to the PACS.
The mitk-flow workflow aims to generate segmentations using MITK tools.
Inside the initialized MITK application, a task list is created, containing all series selected in the workflow. Depending on the input data, there are two possibilities to create new segmentations:
1) If the input data is an image series, a new segmentation can be directly created.
2) If a segmentation is selected as input data, the corresponding image and segmentation are preloaded. The modified segmentation is then stored as a new segmentation in the PACS.
Once you have completed your work with all series (all tasks are done), all accepted segmentations will be sent to the PACS upon finishing the manual interaction.
In the datasets view, the segmentations are tagged as “MITK-flow”.
If no segmentations were created or no project was saved, the workflow will fail because the DcmSendOperator fails when no data is sent.
Input data:


Code server

What’s going on?
The code server is used for developing new DAGs and operators for Airflow. It mounts the workflows directory of kaapana
Mount point:
VSCode settings:
If you want to use your costum VSCode settings inside the code-server you can save them under /kaapana/app/.vscode/settings.json.


The JupyterLab is an excellent tool to swiftly analyse data stored to the MinIO object store. It comes preinstalled with a wide array of commonly used Python packages for data analysis. You can deploy multiple instances of JupyterLab simultaneously, each with its dedicated MinIO bucket named after the respective JupyterLab instance. Data stored within this bucket is available to the JupyterLab application through the /minio/jupyterlab directory. You can save your .ipynb analysis-scripts to the directory /minio/analysis-scripts. Files in this directory will be automatically transfered to the MinIO bucket named analysis-scripts and are available to the JupyterlabReportingOperator. While JupyterLab is great for exploratory data analysis, for more complex calculations, consider developing a dedicated Airflow DAG.

Mount point:

MITK Workbench

The MITK Workbench is an instance of MITK running in a container and available to users via Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Multiple instances of MITK can be deployed simultaneously. For each deployment a dedicated MinIO bucket is created, named after the respective MITK instance. To import data into the running MITK container, upload your data to the /input directory within this MinIO bucket. All data stored at this path of the MinIO bucket will be transferred to the /input directory of the MITK container. If you wish to retrieve your results from the MITK application, ensure to save them to the /output directory within the MITK container. Any data placed in this directory will be automatically transferred to the /output directory within the dedicated MinIO bucket.

Mount point:

Slicer Workbench

The Slicer workbench is an instance of 3D Slicer running in a container and available to users via Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Multiple instances of Slicer can be deployed simultaneously. For each deployment a dedicated MinIO bucket is created, named after the respective Slicer instance. To import data into the running Slicer container, upload your data to the /input directory within this MinIO bucket. All data stored at this path of the MinIO bucket will be transferred to the /input directory of the Slicer container. If you wish to retrieve your results from the Slicer application, ensure to save them to the /output directory within the Slicer container. Any data placed in this directory will be automatically transferred to the /output directory within the dedicated MinIO bucket.

Mount point:


Tensorboard can be launched to analyse results generated during a training. Multiple instances of Tensorboard can be deployed simultaneously. For each deployment a dedicated MinIO bucket is created, named after the respective Tensorboard instance. Data stored within this bucket are available to the Tensorboard application.

Mount point: